Utilities are implementing big data discovery and analytics tools to better manage energy flow and distribution, among other key benefits. But what are the benefits to the utility’s customers -...
Many retail industry observers are asking why e-commerce giant Amazon purchased the brick & mortar grocery chain Whole Foods. The unanimous answer is: access to real-world customer data that is...
Data is increasing in supply chain management for retailers. Most of this data is unstructured and flowing all day and night into servers, and there’s much more to come.
The Smart Grid is poised to transform the energy industry using digital information to enhance efficiencies and performance for utility customers. As the Smart Grid continues to expand, demand for...
An organization’s staff is its most valuable asset, and the human resources function is critical to the stability and growth of business operations.
We’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our team, Dan Szot, who has joined us as VP Sales, Life Sciences and Healthcare. Dan brings more than 20 years of sales leadership and field...
Gartner predicted that more than 8.4 billion connected devices will be in use in 2017, a 31 percent increase from last year. That number is projected to grow to a trillion-nod network over the next...
At the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit 2017, Cambridge Semantics' very own Barry Zane, Vice President of Engineering, and Ben Szekely, Vice President of Solutions, discussed how the Anzo Smart Data...
Today marks the 100th day of the New Year, and we’d like to take a moment to reflect on a few of the more interesting developments we’ve seen thus far in the fast-moving big data analytics arena.
At Gartner's Data & Analytics Summit 2017, Alok Prasad, President of Cambridge Semantics, was joined by Peter Horowitz of PricewaterhouseCoopers for their session entitled “Accelerating Insight:...