Data lakes are quickly becoming a hot topic as enterprises determine how best to organize and access the large volume of data they have been generating. Data Lakes are attractive for several...
Cambridge Semantics’ #SmartDataChat on Twitter May 25, 2016 provided an engaging conversation with several well-respected industry observers regarding data governance in the era of big data...
Data transformation is one of the most vital facets of data management. Prior to integrating data sources, conducting analytics, or utilizing data in most operational applications, data must be...
We are at an inflection point in the financial services industry. The evolving and overwhelming demands of regulatory compliance have forced organizations to acknowledge the need for data governance...
Enterprise text analytics is an exciting and powerful area gaining traction recently. When one moves on from purely departmental solutions to a perspective of an enterprise text analytics fabric,...
Whether they are doing research for regulatory compliance, trade surveillance, 360-degree customer awareness, drug discovery or clinical trial site selection, enterprises can benefit from the power...
Picking up where we left off in my previous post, companies have been looking to data lakes in the past few years to relieve them of the expensive and time-consuming burden of creating data...
The times they are a-changing – and changing quickly – in enterprise data management.
Recently, everyone has been talking about the benefits of data lakes. Data lakes promise cheap storage and ubiquitous access to all of your enterprise data. Unfortunately, however, most...
All of the possibilities of big data analytics, semantic graph databases, and Smart Data Lakes™ have been realized with the emergence of Anzo Graph Query Engine (AGQE).