As we head toward 2017, we thought we’d take this opportunity to take a look back at the most popular posts of the year from The Smart Data blog.
Below are the top posts of 2016 in order of reader views with a brief summary and link. We hope readers who may have missed these previously will have a chance to catch these favorites.
1. Smart Data Discovery
Our most popular post of the year compares the differences between conventional data discovery utilizing dashboards, visualizations, search, and other tools versus smart data discovery techniques that leverage linked data graphs, comprehensive data models, and a semantic standards-based approach.
2. A New Approach to BCBS 239 and Beyond: The Smart (Semantic) Data Lake
This post by Marty Loughlin, Vice President, Financial Services here at Cambridge, is an instructive overview on how to use smart data lakes to meet the requirements for financial industry regulations such as BCBS 239.
3. Data Warehouse vs Data Lake: Understanding the Evolution
Sean Martin, our CTO and co-founder, looks at how enterprise data management is evolving from the ubiquitous data warehouses of the past few decades to the rapid adoption of today’s data lakes. In the first of a two-part post, he maintains that the new era of smart data lakes based on semantic technology is able to alleviate the downsides of both these solutions.
4. FIBO, FIBO, It's Off to Work We Go
In this post, Marty describes a project Cambridge conducted in partnership with major firms to demonstrate the capabilities of the Financial Industry Business Ontology™ (FIBO) and how it can be implemented.
5. Welcome to the Semantic - or "Smart" - Data Lake Revolution
This is the second of the two-part post from Sean where he delves more deeply into the efficacies of smart data lakes® versus traditional data warehouses and first-generation data lakes.
6. The Three Pitfalls of Data Lakes
In this post from the first part of the year, our Director of Marketing Raj Tekchandani details mistakes to avoid when enterprises implement a single repository for integration, access, and analytics purposes – otherwise known as a data lake.
Let us know what your favorite post was and why by commenting below; we’d love to hear from you!