Cambridge Semantics' Richard Mallah at NIPS 2015

Posted by Raj Tekchandani on Dec 17, 2015 12:53:36 PM

Richard Mallah, our Director of Advanced Analytics recently participated at the The Twenty-ninth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), focused on machine learning and computational neuroscience. Richard was a panelist at the symposium higlighting The Societal Impacts of Machine Learning. This symposium aimed to turn the attention of Machine Learning researchers to the present and future consequences of their work, particularly in the areas of privacy, military robotics, employment, and liability.


Discussing research priorities for robust and beneficial AI for the future at the symposium. From left to right:

Moderator: Adrian Weller, machine learning research scientist at Cambridge University

Panel: Andrew Ng, head of AI research at Baidu; Cynthia Dwork, distinguished scientist at Microsoft Research; Nick Bostrom, head of the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University; Tom Dietterich, head of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence; Yann LeCun, head of AI research at Facebook; Richard Mallah, head of AI research at Cambridge Semantics; Percy Liang, assistant professor of AI at Stanford University; Shane Legg, co-head of AI research at Google DeepMind.

At Cambridge Semantics, Richard leads research and development in the realms of cognitive computing, text analytics, machine learning, and advanced analytics on big data. To learn more download a copy of our whitepaper: 7 Steps to Create Maximum Business Value from Unstructured Data

Tags: Text Analytics, Machine Learning, Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Unstructured Data

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