Comprehending semantic technology is no longer an arduous task for the back offices of data-savvy organizations. Business users and C-level executives are starting to comprehend the basics of the...
Conventional data discovery utilizes dashboards, visualizations, search, and other tools to determine appropriate data for integrated, targeted use cases. Smart data discovery techniques, on the...
Analytics has profoundly altered the retail industry. The combination of real-time, predictive analytics—in conjunction with traditional historic analytic capabilities—has reconfigured the way...
There is no simple way to define the Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development (ACORD), or its significance to the insurance industry. It is simultaneously a global community...
The analytics prowess of Anzo Graph Query Engine (AGQE), an enormously parallel in-memory querying graph database of semantic data, is almost immeasurable. The scale, scope, and speed of data...
Data transformation is one of the most vital facets of data management. Prior to integrating data sources, conducting analytics, or utilizing data in most operational applications, data must be...
All of the possibilities of big data analytics, semantic graph databases, and Smart Data Lakes™ have been realized with the emergence of Anzo Graph Query Engine (AGQE).
Exploratory analytics represents the evolution—and perhaps culmination—of conventional analytics and business intelligence options. It’s a combination of real-time data discovery and ad-hoc,...
With no inherent means of adhering to governance and security protocols, data lakes are akin to the Wild West in that they are devoid of order and consistency. Each user manipulates his or her own...