With compelling business use cases, adoption of open industry standards and enterprise deployment of high performing scalable platforms, 2016 was a breakout year for the adoption of semantic graph technology and the Smart Data Lake® in Financial Services.
Here are four blogs from 2016 that document important milestones in this adoption:
1. "FIBO, FIBO, It's Off to Work We Go"
Cambridge Semantics collaborated with the EDM Council, State Street Bank and Dun & Bradstreet to demonstrate the operational effectiveness and business value of FIBO. The project focused on interest rate swaps and corporate entity hierarchies and was successfully deployed on the Anzo Smart Data Lake.
2. "Ten Reasons to Dive into the Smart (Semantic) Data Lake"
The Smart Data Lake addresses critical issues with big data solutions built on platforms like Hadoop HDFS. Here are 10 key capabilities that make the Smart Data Lake a better approach.
3. "A New Approach to BCBS 239 & Beyond"
The Smart Data Lake is much more than an infrastructure solution. It provides a breakthrough approach to enterprise data integration, management and consumption that addresses immediate regulatory reporting requirements and provides a platform for faster time to value from enterprise data
4. "Cambridge Semantics Shatters Previous Record of Loading and Querying ‘Trillion Triples’ by 100X - So What?"
High performing enterprise graph analytics at enormous scale.
We look forward to even more enhancements to the Financial Smart Data Lake in 2017 as widespread customer adoption and expanding use cases lead to new platform capabilities.
This article was orginally posted on LinkedIn.